Sunday, April 17, 2011

Let's Strut Back to the 1920's!

      Hello! In History class, we're learning about the 1920's and a topic that came up was the era of the flappers. Since I'm like addicted to fashion, I was really interested. Who knew some boring lecture would inspire a post for my blog?! Well during the flapper era, fashion for women became more feminine. They started having a bit more fun with their clothes and I'm very proud! If it weren't for those flappers, I wonder what we would be wearing now. During this era, the shorter skirts and dresses made their debut. It was a world of fringes and bobbed hair. Women started wearing makeup at that point too... I'm sure many people today are happy about the makeup because without it I'm sure you all would look like pretty gross bats! (Just kidding!). Well yeah... I found this interesting and figured that I'd share some knowledge... if anyone cares!
I Love you... BYE <3


  1. I had a whole lecture on the 20s and flapper girls, very interesting eh :)

  2. It is... I was so interested! I wanna be a flapper haha.


  3. seriously we'd still be wearing workwear from the first world war if it wasn't for the flappers.

  4. Yeah... you know I thought about that and that's totally true! Just the thought of what they wore before flappers came along makes me a bit worried!


  5. I love the flappers!!!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog and of course we can follow each other..let me know when you follow to make sure I can follow back!

    ~Marina @

  6. Yeah, flappers are amazing. No problem, you deserved it... I really liked your outfit! I'll go follow... now!

